Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Last night in Boston

So today my sister and I made sushi.
Well,I made them first because I was too bored at home.
My sister left work early to "spend time making sushi with me."
It's my last night here at Boston.
Can't believe I've been here for 8 days already.
Sigh,flight is at 4ish pm tomorrow, I hope it doesn't get delayed or canceled due to the weather.
Fingers crossed!!
These are some of the sushis I made before my sister got home.
I sent her this picture and she texted back "You already started making them?I thought we were gonna make them together???"
She came home and saw my sushis and instantly gobbled down a couple of them.
And then she complained why are my sushis so small?
So I told her to wrap her own.
Taught her how to wrap for 1 minute and left her in the kitchen while I continued watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
Then she yelled from the kitchen, "Aren't we supposed to spend time together????"
The comparison of our sushis.
I swear to God, her sushi was humongous.
This picture does no justice and made me look like a stingy sushi maker.

Well I enjoyed my short stay here and I definitely will miss my sister.
She laughs at everything I say,making me feel like I'm the funniest person on earth.
I will also definitely miss the two fatties.

Aren't they the fattest cats?
Beans and Frank are brothers, my brother in law,Bob adopted them when they were kitties.
He used to have 3 cats, but Sam died of cancer.Yes cats can get cancer too.
These cats have been entertaining me each time I come visit, especially Frank,he's my bff.
Beans is socially awkward and runs away when you approach him,unless he's hungry and thirsty.
He drinks from the bath tub faucet like the picture above.
He can be really funny at times too.
That's his hint of wanting someone to turn the tap on for him to drink.
And Frank,he's like an attention whore.
He follows me wherever I go(or so I thought).
Look at him invading my bed.
He sleeps 22hours a day.
We did not put him in there,we came out and saw him relaxing in that box.
Well I guess I should stop now and go to bed.
I have a flight to catch tomorrow.

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