Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello there.
Well I think this is like the 5th or 6th blog I ever created since I started blogging years back.
I used to love to blog but then I always lose the mojo to blog.
So anyhow, let me begin with the introduction.

Name is Apple Tan. I go by Apple. If you wanna know why my name is so weird/funny/special, ask my mother. I am currently pursuing my Communications Media degree in the United States. In a rural town of Pennsylvania to be specific.
Honestly,I'm really bad at introducing myself. So let's just go with the flow.

So right now I'm having Winter break and I just arrived Boston today to visit my sister. I'll be here for a week and then school starts on the 23rd, which I also know is Chinese New Year. Sigh.
It's been 3 years since I celebrated Chinese New Year with my family. Sad.

So yeah,I'll try to update this blog with wonderful pictures and adventures (the latter will be a lie because I live in a very kampung area). But I'll try la.

Oh by the way! Happy 2012! Hope it's a better and smooth year ahead.

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