Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Boston so far...

Been a laid back week here at Boston. Visiting my sister has always been like this. Every summer and winter break I will come visit my sister for a while. I would visit my brother and his family too, since I miss my cheeky niece, Audrey, but Texas is way too far and the flight tickets are not cheap.
So I haven't been out a lot since my sister has to go to work, plus, it is way too cold and windy to step foot outside.
So, the usual, I would stay home and prepare dinner for her and my brother in law Bob.
My sister isn't a great cook at Chinese cuisines or home cooked food.
But we did go out sometimes to eat.
I've had lobster and crab rolls.
Yummy combo (lobster + crab meat) roll from Boston Chowda
This thing cost about $20++.

I've had my yummy dim sum too. I've always missed the noisy chinese restaurant environment on Sunday mornings.
It is great to get up before noon on a Sunday to have breakfast with your family. I miss all these little things that matters.
This is me and my sister very excited and happy at Hei La Moon.
Part of our dim sums.
We definitely had more than this.
Didn't get to take a picture of everything because we were busy chomping down the food.

This is Bob and he loves dim sum too.
Check out the cart lady in the back.
This is typical dim sum restaurant for you.
Love it!

So today is a public holiday. It is Martin Luther King day and my sister got a day off. Unfortunately my brother in law does not. At about 12+ pm, my sister came busting into my room to wake me up.
She does that all the time.
Amidst still dreaming, I heard her saying she wanted to go to Chinatown to pick up some groceries to make sushi.
I was like.... ohhhh.. because that means I am the one who has to make the sushi.
Remember, oriental cuisine is not her expertise?
We headed to Chinatown and boy was it cold today. Halfway buying groceries we decided we will just make sushi tomorrow and have some Pho instead.
Best decision ever made and we had the best Pho tonight.
Rare beef small-sized Pho at Pho Pasteur.
My sister and I both ordered the small Pho and it is not very small, I swear.
We saw an elderly couple sitting a few tables away from us and they ordered the LARGE one.
And they finished everything.

The best part of today is....
菠蘿包 and 蛋撻!
God knows how much I love pastries.
A little thing you should know about myself,
And everything that is associated to carbs.
These are for tomorrow's breakfast.

And also.....
Do you know what are these?
Sausage buns!!!!
I bought 10 of these.
I'm crazy I know.
I'm planning on bringing them back on Wednesday but I guess I'll have to re-stock them.
Because I already had one of these babies right after dinner.
I can't resist the temptation!

Can't believe I've been here for about a week.
I've been telling my sister that winter is very late this time.
Usually during winter breaks when I come visit, there would be snowstorms and lots of snow already.
But this time, when I just got here (not including these past 3 days), it was still warm, as in it was in the 40s Fahrenheit.
And guess what...
This is the view from my room window.
If you can't tell,it is snowing.
Look at the street and that car covered in snow.
This just happened 2 hours ago.
What a sudden surprise.

Well alright, I think that's all for now.
I apologize for the shitty picture quality.These pictures are taken from my phone.The grids you see are actually the window nets.I own a Samsung Galaxy and it takes great pictures,so it's not the picture quality that is THAT bad that it has grids on the pictures.
I have a camera...in fact actually I have cameraS.
I had a DSLR, have a semi-pro camera,and also another new semi-pro camera.
I sold my DSLR because:
  1. It is too bulky and heavy to carry it around.
  2. I may be a Communications Media student,but I don't think I wanna explore the photography world no more 
  3. I don't want a DSLR anymore
So I bought a Canon semi-pro camera and I didn't bring it together with me because(oh boy here it comes again):

  1. I left it at home so that my boyfriend can use it just in case he needs to take pictures of stuff he wants to sell off on eBay.
  2. I sold it,again. Just a couple of days ago.
  3. I looked at it and I realized it's ugly.
  4. It uses AA batteries instead of the L-Ion battery. What the hell? Who still uses AA batteries?
  5. I bought it because my brother told me it was a great deal at that time at Target
  6. It's LAME!
I barely even used the camera yet and I've already sold it. And just a couple of days ago, I fell in love with the Olympus E-PM1.
It is cute,it is light and it takes great pictures!
So I bought a white one online and it was sent back to my place at home.
Well I would want them to send it over here to Boston,but you know,just in case they don't deliver in time.
But to my surprise, I bought it on Thursday and it arrived on Saturday.
Khang Yin(my boyfriend) was very impressed with the camera too.
So I promise, my blog will be filled with better quality pictures in the future.

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