Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pardon me,but I think I hear the sounds of spring?

I've not been blogging for about 2 months since I got back here.
Remember I was blogging about the snow and how cold it was?
Guess what, it's warm as hell now.
Spring is here!!!
We're all dressed in short shorts and flip flops!
The temperature is up to 70s in the day time and high 60s at night.
So what else would you do on happy days like these, especially since it is Spring Break!
Blue Spruce Park.
With bubbles that were blown from us.
With Zu, my so called honeymoon picture.
I love how happy we both look here.
Umm, this is me?
Being silly as usual?
This is Mae, my roommate with the beautiful scenery?
And this is when all the photobombing begins.
Zu's first attempt, which I find hilarious.
Below are a few photobombed pictures that I personally like.
Observe how laid back Zu's face is when she conveniently placed her hand in front of my face when I tried to take a self portrait.
It's like "Oh there's my hand. It's the best place to put it now."
And here is me, not quite sure photobombing who/what as Chin Quan himself seemed to be doing some mouth opening pose.
And the award for Best Photobombing goes to Chin Quan.
The only caption I can think of looking at this picture is,
"Just like a bird,I'm ready to soar the sky."
Here's the group of picnickers.
Here's a very dreamy photo of myself playing with bubbles.
Some might puke after seeing this innocent-wannabe pose.
If the picture above did not give you the feeling of puking, try another.

Everyone was really happy that day.
Great weather makes people cheerful, or maybe sleepy, and hungry.
That applies to my roommate, Mae.
Mae, Zu and I with no photobombers.
Another honeymoon picture, this time with Pei Fong.
Pimp Chin Quan.
Pei Fong, Jessica, Me.
Pei Fong and I again.

Honeymoon picture with Mae.
What other way to show in pictures that you're happy but to have a group jumping picture?
Or a Guanyin-like pose picture.
And also pictures like this, very mainstream I know.

So since the weather this whole week had been superb (except for the random rains sometimes), I've been trying to go out and enjoy the sun.
Back in Malaysia, you will never see me so eagerly wanting to set foot out of my house in the day time because of 2 reasons:
  1. I'd melt from the heat.
  2. I never wanted to be tan.
Coming to America where half the year is cold, I learned to appreciate the sun and warmth.
Plus, I've been getting too pale and I was told by some friends to go lie under the sun for days :(
So the other day, I decided to drag Zu to go crazy with me by jumping on a big ass trampoline.
Harlo. Pictures were taken from my iPhone.
Beautiful day.
This picture would be better if taken with my camera.

Us lying down on the trampoline.
Zu's sexy back.
This is what I meant by being too pale and friends telling me to go get a tan.
At least with this hipster filter, you get to identify my facial features.
This is me doing the touch toes jump.
Yes I am quite flexible,QUITE.
And yep I love jumping pictures.
And notice how big the trampoline is?
This is the many many attempts of Zu trying to get a good jumping shot.

I always complain about songs that have abrupt ending.
Guess what, I'm gonna end my blog post abruptly like this.

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