Friday, July 20, 2012

The last time I ever entered this blog was like a couple of months ago. And now,I'm a graduate and an intern in Boston. I don't wanna fill this post with unhappy thoughts and rage but I'm just gonna say this once.
I hate my internship. It's not even an eye-opening internship.
Ok.That's all.

So here I am in Boston living at my sister's place.
I'm really lazy to blog because I have a video shoot tomorrow afternoon.
But I'll just let the pictures do the talking.

Here's me visiting my boyfriend in New York last two weeks.
Glad to finally get to smell him after almost 2 months of not seeing him.
But also, I was meeting this girl for the first time after a whole few weeks of Whatsapping.
This is Jshie.
She's one of Khang Yin's best friends back at home and she was touring the US for a whole month.
So I decided to kill two birds with one stone that July 4th week to meet her and also Khang Yin.
3 of us on the first night we met up.
I went to meet Jshie in the afternoon first when I arrived NYC that day and we went to check into our hotel before we went shopping and meet KY.
So we decided to have Korean BBQ for dinner and so we met up with KY in Koreatown after he got off from work.
The two of them had so much catching up to do.
The next day after checking out from the hotel, we went to SoHo and 5th Ave for more shopping.
Oh I didn't take any pictures of the hotel because we were exhausted the first night we arrived.
But the hotel we stayed in turned out pretty nice although it was located in Chinatown.
Best waffles ever tasted.
It's called Wafels and Dinges.
This is the cart of that waffle.
If you ever visit NYC, pay attention to this cart.
Jshie and I at Central Park.
It was a brief walk at the park because we were starving although we had those awesome waffles.
We already had plans to go to this place called Tottoramen for delicious ramen.
After waiting for almost an hour outside this tiny restaurant, we finally get to feast.
Food porn alert!
I know the pictures are not enough to describe because I didn't take a lot of pictures. I took a lot of videos, so here's a video I made.

This is a video I made specially for Jshie as a gift. <3

So then, back to Boston after 3-4 days of fun.
It's July and it's a lot of birthdays.
Both my sister and brother in law's birthday are 2 days apart.
This was taken during Bob's birthday on the 5th.
The niece,Audrey Tan.
The me, Apple Tan.

This was the night my brother came back from his Canada trip and my niece took a nap in the car so she was super hyper.
We stayed up till 2am and took silly pics like this.
Look at my horrible eyebags.
The niece and I.
The sister and I.
The Tans. :D
As you can obviously tell by now, I'm too lazy to even caption the pictures.
So here, watch another video of the Tans.
It's like Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Just minus the drama.

Here you are introduced to my family.

Okay, sleepy time.Bye

Please watch my videos in HD. Just press the setting button and select 720p.
Video and sound quality will be a lot better. 
Thank you!